Advancing teaching and scholarship in Laboratory Medicine since 1966
ACLPS was founded in 1966 and currently has active affiliations with 70 of the approximately 150 academic and community centers that train pathology residents in clinical pathology.
We are dedicated to advancing teaching and scholarship in laboratory medicine. We follow the objectives of the academy. Since the inception of ACLPS, this dedication has been driven by the following objectives:
To encourage and advance the highest standards of education in laboratory medicine in medical school and related curricula.
To encourage and promote the highest standards of resident training and post-graduate education of physicians and scientists in clinical pathology at universities and medical schools.
To encourage and promote the highest standards of service, education and research in academic laboratory medicine.
Lay of the unproven stem cell therapy land – This JAMA article sheds some light on the breadth of unproven stem cel…
RT @NatureMedicine: The human #microbiome has captured the attention of researchers, lay press & general public. Yue Shan, Julia Segre…
RT @ASMicrobiology: Genomic characterization of the emerging pathogen Streptococcus pseudopneumoniae provides insight into features tha…
RT @JClinMicro: Accepted this week. Analysis of infection loads in Mycoplasma genitalium clinical specimens using a commercial diag…
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